
Experiments and Programs related to voice computing.

This project is maintained by shashank-shark

Sample read and write operation of audio file with different libraries

pydub read / write audio file

from pydub import AudioSegment
data = AudioSegment.from_wav('../../data/sample_test_file.wav')

scipy read / write audio file

from scipy.io import wavfile
fs, data = wavfile.read('../../data/sample_test_file.wav')
wavfile.write('../../data/basic_read_write/scipy_gen_audio_file.wav', fs, data)

wave read and print params of audio file

import wave
data = wave.open('../../data/sample_test_file.wav')
parmas = data.getparams()

librosa read / write audio file

import librosa
y, sr = librosa.load('../../data/sample_test_file.wav')
librosa.output.write_wav('../../data/basic_read_write/new_librosa_audio.wav', y, sr)

soundfile read / write an audio file

import soundfile as sf
data, fs = sf.read('../../data/sample_test_file.wav')
sf.write('../../data/basic_read_write/soundfile_gen_audio.wav', data, fs)

Sample audio file manipulation programs with sox linux program

sox reverse an audio file

import os
os.system('sox ../../data/sample_test_file.wav ../../data/reverse_file.wav reverse')

sox double the volume for an audio file

import os
os.system('sox -v 2.0 ../../data/sample_test_file.wav ../../data/doubleSound.wav')

sox decrease the volume by half of the audio file

import os
os.system('sox  -v -0.5 ../../data/sample_test_file.wav ../../data/halfDecreasedVolume.wav')

sox convert stereo to mono

import os
os.system('sox ../../data/sample_test_file.wav -c 1 ../../data/mono.wav')

sox convert mono to stereo

import os
os.system('sox ../../data/sample_test_file.wav -c 2 ../../data/stereo.wav')

sox increase the speed of play

import os
os.system('sox ../../data/sample_test_file.wav ../../data/double_the_speed.wav speed 2.0')

sox change the sample rate

import os
os.system('sox ../../data/sample_test_file.wav -r 16000  ../../data/16000hz.wav')

sox convert to 16bit audio quality

import os
os.system('sox -b 16 ../../data/sample_test_file.wav ../../data/16bitwav.wav')

pydub audio manipulations

from pydub import AudioSegment
song = AudioSegment.from_wav('../../data/sample_test_file.wav')

# get the first 10 seconds and pydub uses milliseconds as its unit
ten_seconds = 10 * 1000
first_10_seconds = song[:ten_seconds]
last_five_seconds = song[-5000:]

# make beginning louder and end quiter
# we try to increase the beginning by 6dB and decrease the sound of ending by 3dB
beginning = first_10_seconds + 6
ending = last_five_seconds - 3

# combine the segments
without_the_middle = beginning + ending

# 1.5 second crossfade
with_style = beginning.append(ending, crossfade=1500)

# repeat the clip twice
do_it_over = with_style * 2

awesome = do_it_over.fade_in(2000).fade_out(3000)
awesome.export("../../data/mashup.mp3", format="mp3")